Piko (Hopscoth)

Piko is the Philippine variation of the game hopscotch. The players stand behind the edge of a box, and each should throw their cue ball. The first to play is determined depending on the players' agreement (e.g. nearest to the moon, wings or chest).

This game can be played in different forms, shape and mechanics. The following Piko game is a variety of this game we grow up playing, which is Sud-sud Krus. The mechanics and how you play it is similar to the traditional Piko game but in a cross shape. 

How to play the game: 
1.  The game can be played with many players. Every player must have a Pamato. Pamato are usually a broken part of a tile or pot and a coin.

2.  Each player have to toss and aim closest to the line on the middle. Whoever gets to be the closest in the middle will take the first turn to play.
3. The first player will throw the stone at the first box. Then, he/she will jump across the area without stepping in the box where their pamato is placed.
4. If the first player's turn is over, they will be followed by the next players. 
5. If any player have finished all the boxes, the game will level up by preparing to take over a box. The player have to put their pamato on top of their two fingers without falling
6. When the player reached the middle, they have to toss their pamato up and catch it. If they catch it, they have to throw it outside and jump on it.
7. The player will now throw their pamato without looking. If their pamato lands in one of the boxes, it will be marked as their box (bahay). The essential of having their own box is that they can jump on it with both of their feet.

8. The game will end until all the boxes are occupied. The player with the most boxes wins.

-Thank you for reading 😊